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SESSION #42 - Yellow Ostrich

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Entries in OH LAND (1)


Couch Session: Oh Land

Couch Session #22: Oh Land

It's been three long months since we've called somewhere home,
since we've had a bathroom that could house our keepsake gnome.
A new neighborhood, new apartment, new loft type of place,
with an odd-shaped bedroom and dusty curtains in our face.
Moving in, cleaning up, unpacking long-lost clothes, books and Ball jars
It looked like a dwelling, but never quite felt like ours.
But then Oh Land came over, munching on meatballs and more,
homemade creamed spinach and mashed potatoes galore.
And when they played, it was different; we were back! Something changed,
The music, the videos, the meal — everything was suddenly the same.
 If our home is where our heart is, then our home is in a cheesy phrase,
but if we use both hearts we have, one's in a more music-based daze.
We're finally back, finally here, finally on the site posting,
Finally able to hold up a glass post-session for toasting.
Oh Land made our apartment our home, and let her voice truly soar,
Ringing the acoustics through our new place like never before.
Completely reinterpreting each one of her songs,
These new arrangements left us swaying to it in our heads all night long.
The walls may be different, the layout is new,
Everything's back to normal, including new videos to show you.
Come back every Tuesday for a new session, just like before, 
And if you like this one, the future holds much, much more.
So enjoy our first new video, and a glimpse at the couch's new spot,
and let Oh Land show you the unbelievable music she's got:






Oh Land - "Sun of a Gun (Big Ugly Yellow Couch sessions)"

Oh Land - "White Nights (Big Ugly Yellow Couch sessions)"

Oh Land - "Rainbow (Big Ugly Yellow Couch sessions)"


Full Disclosure Notice - Carlye is an employee at the artist's record label. This affiliation in no way contributed to or influenced the joint decision to record with Oh Land, or to make her delicious, delicious meatballs.