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Entries in Seabear (1)


Couch Session: Seabear

Couch Session #23: Seabear

It's a shame that I missed this one, that I had to head back home,
to have the band only see half, to leave Donald alone.
We've wanted to shoot with this band for a while,
multiple emails flowing through our inbox piles.
But sometimes trips happen, and the show must proceed,
And with this Icelandic session, we're truly pleased.
There's a glorious trumpet, our website's first one!
Glad that after all this time, there are still firsts to be done.
Seabear's songs seem to suspend time, in the warm window's light,
playing almost as brilliantly as they did later that night.
From a CD spun over and over inside our home,
to songs performed as eloquently as a poem,
We hope their music strikes a chord, as its quaint civility is divine,
and that you enjoy Seabear now, and all throughout time:




Seabear - "Leafmask (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Seabear - "Lion Face Boy (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"

Seabear - "Softship (Big Ugly Yellow Couch session)"